Tatum Umiamaka


I am studying for a B.A. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences and a B.S. in Astrophysics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Machine Learning, Data Science, Simulations, Astronomy, Instrumentation


Rainbow Gallery 2023

A team and I created this web application as a final project for our ICS 314 (Software Engineering I) course.

Web Application Development Software Engineering Collaboration

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Mission to Mars 2023

I used the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to plan a successful round trip flyby mission to Mars using Space X's Starship spacecraft.

Physics Python

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Finding Supernovae 2023

My mentor and I trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) to spot supernovae on mock JWST data from Vela Cosmological Simulations.

Machine Learning Supernovae Python

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Software Engineering: Reflection

11 Dec 2023

Thoughts on Software Engineering My exposure to software engineering is limited to what I learned from my ICS 314 course. Over the course of the semester, we used and studied the following fundamental software engineering concepts: Open Source Software Development...

Reflection Software Engineering

Design Patterns: Patterns that Govern Us

29 Nov 2023

A design pattern “describes a problem that occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over,...

Design Patterns Software Engineering

Artificial Intelligence: AI is the New Calculator

20 Nov 2023

Introduction AI is the New Calculator Some have compared the use of AI in education to the use of a calculator in a classroom. Before calculators, people solved math problems either by hand or using devices, like an Abacus, Mechanical...

AI in education Software Engineering

Bootstrap: Is the Extra Help Worth it?

04 Oct 2023

What is a User Interface (UI) Framework? A UI framework is a collection of pre-built components, libraries, and design elements. These frameworks offer ready-to-use features like buttons, icons, forms, menus, cards, and layout templates. Some popular UI frameworks include Bootstrap,...

UI Frameworks Bootstrap Web Pages

Coding Standards: Set High Standards

20 Sep 2023

Why Have Coding Standards? Have you ever looked over a colleague’s or a peer’s code and been completely disoriented because their work was not organized like yours? Maybe they didn’t use enough spaces between sections of their code and you...

Coding Standards ESLint IntelliJ

Smart Questions: Good Questions Attract Good Answers

05 Sep 2023

What makes a “good” question in software engineering? One of a student’s worst fears is asking their professor a question, just to be reminded that their question was “ignorant” or “lazy”. Even as a senior in college, I am afraid...

Questions Answers StackOverflow